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Explain PyTextRank: extractive summarization¶
How does PyTextRank perform extractive summarization on a text document?
First we perform some basic housekeeping for Jupyter, then load spaCy
with a language model for English ...
import warnings
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
Create some text to use....
text = "Compatibility of systems of linear constraints over the set of natural numbers. Criteria of compatibility of a system of linear Diophantine equations, strict inequations, and nonstrict inequations are considered. Upper bounds for components of a minimal set of solutions and algorithms of construction of minimal generating sets of solutions for all types of systems are given. These criteria and the corresponding algorithms for constructing a minimal supporting set of solutions can be used in solving all the considered types systems and systems of mixed types."
Then add PyTextRank into the spaCy
import pytextrank
nlp.add_pipe("textrank", last=True)
doc = nlp(text)
Examine the results: a list of top-ranked phrases in the document
from icecream import ic
for p in doc._.phrases:
ic(p.rank, p.count, p.text)
ic| p.rank: 0.18359439311764025, p.count: 1, p.text: 'mixed types'
ic| p.chunks: [mixed types]
ic| p.rank: 0.17847961931078207, p.count: 3, p.text: 'systems'
ic| p.chunks: [systems, systems, systems]
ic| p.rank: 0.15037838042245094
p.count: 1
p.text: 'minimal generating sets'
ic| p.chunks: [minimal generating sets]
ic| p.rank: 0.14740065982407316
p.count: 1
p.text: 'nonstrict inequations'
ic| p.chunks: [nonstrict inequations]
ic| p.rank: 0.13946027725597837
p.count: 1
p.text: 'strict inequations'
ic| p.chunks: [strict inequations]
ic| p.rank: 0.1195023546245721
p.count: 1
p.text: 'linear Diophantine equations'
ic| p.chunks: [linear Diophantine equations]
ic| p.rank: 0.11450088293222845, p.count: 1, p.text: 'natural numbers'
ic| p.chunks: [natural numbers]
ic| p.rank: 0.1078071817368632, p.count: 3, p.text: 'solutions'
ic| p.chunks: [solutions, solutions, solutions]
ic| p.rank: 0.10529828014583348
p.count: 1
p.text: 'linear constraints'
ic| p.chunks: [linear constraints]
ic| p.rank: 0.10369605907081418
p.count: 1
p.text: 'all the considered types systems'
ic| p.chunks: [all the considered types systems]
ic| p.rank: 0.08812713074893187
p.count: 1
p.text: 'a minimal supporting set'
ic| p.chunks: [a minimal supporting set]
ic| p.rank: 0.08243620500315357, p.count: 1, p.text: 'a system'
ic| p.chunks: [a system]
ic| p.rank: 0.07944607954086784, p.count: 1, p.text: 'a minimal set'
ic| p.chunks: [a minimal set]
ic| p.rank: 0.0763527926213032, p.count: 1, p.text: 'algorithms'
ic| p.chunks: [algorithms]
ic| p.rank: 0.07593126037016427, p.count: 1, p.text: 'all types'
ic| p.chunks: [all types]
ic| p.rank: 0.07309361902551356, p.count: 1, p.text: 'Diophantine'
ic| p.chunks: [Diophantine]
ic| p.rank: 0.0702090100898443, p.count: 1, p.text: 'construction'
ic| p.chunks: [construction]
ic| p.rank: 0.060225391238828516, p.count: 1, p.text: 'Upper bounds'
ic| p.chunks: [Upper bounds]
ic| p.rank: 0.05800111772673988, p.count: 1, p.text: 'the set'
ic| p.chunks: [the set]
ic| p.rank: 0.05425139476531647, p.count: 1, p.text: 'components'
ic| p.chunks: [components]
ic| p.rank: 0.04516904342912139, p.count: 1, p.text: 'Compatibility'
ic| p.chunks: [Compatibility]
ic| p.rank: 0.04516904342912139, p.count: 1, p.text: 'compatibility'
ic| p.chunks: [compatibility]
ic| p.rank: 0.04435648606848154
p.count: 1
p.text: 'the corresponding algorithms'
ic| p.chunks: [the corresponding algorithms]
ic| p.rank: 0.042273783712246285, p.count: 1, p.text: 'Criteria'
ic| p.chunks: [Criteria]
ic| p.rank: 0.01952542432474353, p.count: 1, p.text: 'These criteria'
ic| p.chunks: [These criteria]
Construct a list of the sentence boundaries with a phrase vector (initialized to empty set) for each...
sent_bounds = [ [s.start, s.end, set([])] for s in doc.sents ]
[[0, 13, set()], [13, 33, set()], [33, 61, set()], [61, 91, set()]]
Iterate through the top-ranked phrases, added them to the phrase vector for each sentence...
limit_phrases = 4
phrase_id = 0
unit_vector = []
for p in doc._.phrases:
ic(phrase_id, p.text, p.rank)
for chunk in p.chunks:
ic(chunk.start, chunk.end)
for sent_start, sent_end, sent_vector in sent_bounds:
if chunk.start >= sent_start and chunk.end <= sent_end:
ic(sent_start, chunk.start, chunk.end, sent_end)
phrase_id += 1
if phrase_id == limit_phrases:
ic| phrase_id: 0, p.text: 'mixed types', p.rank: 0.18359439311764025
ic| chunk.start: 88, chunk.end: 90
ic| sent_start: 61, chunk.start: 88, chunk.end: 90, sent_end: 91
ic| phrase_id: 1, p.text: 'systems', p.rank: 0.17847961931078207
ic| chunk.start: 2, chunk.end: 3
ic| sent_start: 0, chunk.start: 2, chunk.end: 3, sent_end: 13
ic| chunk.start: 57, chunk.end: 58
ic| sent_start: 33, chunk.start: 57, chunk.end: 58, sent_end: 61
ic| chunk.start: 86, chunk.end: 87
ic| sent_start: 61, chunk.start: 86, chunk.end: 87, sent_end: 91
ic| phrase_id: 2
p.text: 'minimal generating sets'
p.rank: 0.15037838042245094
ic| chunk.start: 48, chunk.end: 51
ic| sent_start: 33, chunk.start: 48, chunk.end: 51, sent_end: 61
ic| phrase_id: 3
p.text: 'nonstrict inequations'
p.rank: 0.14740065982407316
ic| chunk.start: 28, chunk.end: 30
ic| sent_start: 13, chunk.start: 28, chunk.end: 30, sent_end: 33
Let's take a look at the results...
[[0, 13, {1}], [13, 33, {3}], [33, 61, {1, 2}], [61, 91, {0, 1}]]
for sent in doc.sents:
ic| sent: Compatibility of systems of linear constraints over the set of natural numbers.
ic| sent: Criteria of compatibility of a system of linear Diophantine equations, strict inequations, and nonstrict inequations are considered.
ic| sent: Upper bounds for components of a minimal set of solutions and algorithms of construction of minimal generating sets of solutions for all types of systems are given.
ic| sent: These criteria and the corresponding algorithms for constructing a minimal supporting set of solutions can be used in solving all the considered types systems and systems of mixed types.
We also construct a unit_vector
for all of the phrases, up to the limit requested...
Then normalized...
sum_ranks = sum(unit_vector)
unit_vector = [ rank/sum_ranks for rank in unit_vector ]
Iterate through each sentence, calculating its euclidean distance from the unit vector...
from math import sqrt
sent_rank = {}
sent_id = 0
for sent_start, sent_end, sent_vector in sent_bounds:
sum_sq = 0.0
for phrase_id in range(len(unit_vector)):
ic(phrase_id, unit_vector[phrase_id])
if phrase_id not in sent_vector:
sum_sq += unit_vector[phrase_id]**2.0
sent_rank[sent_id] = sqrt(sum_sq)
sent_id += 1
ic| sent_vector: {1}
ic| phrase_id: 0, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2782352712825618
ic| phrase_id: 1, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2704838881736656
ic| phrase_id: 2, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2278967715809441
ic| phrase_id: 3, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.22338406896282853
ic| sent_vector: {3}
ic| phrase_id: 0, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2782352712825618
ic| phrase_id: 1, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2704838881736656
ic| phrase_id: 2, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2278967715809441
ic| phrase_id: 3, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.22338406896282853
ic| sent_vector: {1, 2}
ic| phrase_id: 0, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2782352712825618
ic| phrase_id: 1, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2704838881736656
ic| phrase_id: 2, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2278967715809441
ic| phrase_id: 3, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.22338406896282853
ic| sent_vector: {0, 1}
ic| phrase_id: 0, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2782352712825618
ic| phrase_id: 1, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2704838881736656
ic| phrase_id: 2, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.2278967715809441
ic| phrase_id: 3, unit_vector[phrase_id]: 0.22338406896282853
ic| sent_rank: {0: 0.4233819161809908,
1: 0.4500148202495578,
2: 0.3568127078063091,
3: 0.31911969660835215}
{0: 0.4233819161809908,
1: 0.4500148202495578,
2: 0.3568127078063091,
3: 0.31911969660835215}
Sort the sentence indexes in descending order
from operator import itemgetter
sorted(sent_rank.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
[(3, 0.31911969660835215),
(2, 0.3568127078063091),
(0, 0.4233819161809908),
(1, 0.4500148202495578)]
Extract the sentences with the lowest distance, up to the limit requested...
limit_sentences = 2
sent_text = {}
sent_id = 0
for sent in doc.sents:
sent_text[sent_id] = sent.text
sent_id += 1
num_sent = 0
for sent_id, rank in sorted(sent_rank.items(), key=itemgetter(1)):
ic(sent_id, sent_text[sent_id])
num_sent += 1
if num_sent == limit_sentences:
ic| sent_id: 3
sent_text[sent_id]: ('These criteria and the corresponding algorithms for constructing a minimal '
'supporting set of solutions can be used in solving all the considered types '
'systems and systems of mixed types.')
ic| sent_id: 2
sent_text[sent_id]: ('Upper bounds for components of a minimal set of solutions and algorithms of '
'construction of minimal generating sets of solutions for all types of '
'systems are given.')