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Preserved Lemons




  1. clean and dry a 1 quart jar (lighting jar, not a canning jar with a metal lid which corrodes)
  2. wash and dry the lemons
  3. cutting
    • slice off one end of each lemon
    • then cut an "X" from the sliced end
    • stop before cutting all the way through
  4. open the lemon and pour in 1/2 Tbs salt
  5. pack into the jar as tightly as possible, using a pestle or wooden spoon
  6. add any remaining salt to the jar
  7. add more lemon juice to top-off, if needed
  8. close lid, story in a cool dry place for 3 months
    • shake every once in a while to disperse the juice and salt
    • ready when the peels become translucent


* may store up to 1 year